Are you fully insured?

As you might expect, the recession has brought a number of criminals into play and burglaries and thefts have increased dramatically over the past years.

Even though many people are insured for the household goods and possibly garden items, it would appear that many people are underinsured as they have not reviewed their insurance policies for many years.



It is no secret that more and more insurance companies are looking for “exit routes” when customers claim for theft and burglary. There are many examples of insurance companies squirming under the threat of significant claims and finding a way to reduce claims, or in some cases, dismiss them outright. It is therefore vital that you review your insurance policies on a regular basis and ensure that you have enough cover and are aware of the potential escape clauses introduced by many insurance companies.

Unfortunately a number of households would appear to have reduced or withdrawn insurance from their premises purely and simply because they are struggling to pay their everyday bills. While this may save money in the short term it can lead to significant problems in the longer term if you are the victim of a theft or burglary.

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