Many consumers tend to forget about the value-added benefits, such as home and roadside assistance, offered by insurance providers and most short-term policies. They waste valuable cash on locksmiths, towing, plumbing or electrical services, when these benefits are available to them, often at no extra cost.
The value-added benefits are there to take the stress and extra spend out of everyday problems. “It seems like most plumbing or electrical emergencies tend to occur on the weekend, resulting in people frantically trying to source a plumber or electrician that works outside normal business hours.”
By simply calling the emergency assistance number provided by the insurance provider, consumers can rest assure that a qualified and reputable service provider will come straight to their aid and sort out the problem. Most benefits typically provide for one hour of free labour, which includes the call-out fee. “Not only do consumers save money as they do not have to source a supplier, they are also guaranteed that the problem will be resolved professionally.”
The most common types of home assistance value-added benefits include plumbing failure management, electrical, plate glass breakage and locksmith requirements. Roadside assistance value-added benefits include immobilisers, flat-tyre assistance, battery jump start, towing services, car lock out service, emergency fuel delivery, message relay services, vehicle repatriation, trip interruption benefit, car hire and drunken driver assistance.
With an increasing number of companies offering assist services, consumers need not purchase unnecessary services that are already offered by the insurance provider. “Before taking on any additional value-added services, consumers should first consult their insurance provider to find out whether they already have the service included in their short-term insurance policy.” It is also important to understand the benefits on offer to ensure it is something that is required and used.
Some insurance providers offer a referral service when consumers are looking for service providers such as carpenters, building renovators, gate and pool motors, thatch specialists and many others. “These suppliers are all approved by the insurance provider, so consumers deal with reputable service providers.”
“When it comes to emergency situations, short-term insurance providers are making strides in offering their clients all-round reliable services. For those consumers who may not be aware of the value-added benefits in their short-term insurance policy, they should consult their broker to find out more and start taking advantage.”